Custom Instructions for ChatGPT

Custom Instructions is a global functionality available in the Settings of both the free and paid versions of ChatGPT. These instructions help guide ChatGPT to fit the style you would like it to response in. There are two question boxes, and you can answer both or either of them. If you choose to use these, do not be too specific with them because they need to cover all of your use cases. For example, if you tell ChatGPT you are a travel blogger, it will apply that thinking globally to all your inquiries.

If you use this, provide ChatGPT with a more general description of who you are. For the first question, which is “What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses,” you could structure your answer so that ChatGPT understands your professional life, personal life, and passions. For example,

• As a chef with a focus on sustainability, I own and operate a restaurant in downtown San Francisco where I craft eco-conscious dishes.

• I am working on my master's degree in hospitality services so that I can deepen my understanding of the industry and implement even more innovative and sustainable practices in my restaurant.

• In my spare time, I am a travel blogger who promotes responsible and eco-friendly travel destinations and experiences, inspiring others to explore the world with mindfulness towards the environment.

• I am passionate, driven, and committed to making a positive impact through my culinary expertise and advocacy for sustainability.

The second question, "How would you like ChatGPT to respond?" offers users the chance to influence the style of the AI's replies. This could mean opting for narrative-driven paragraphs over list formats, emphasizing clear and direct language, or enriching responses with informative references. Here are a few ideas:

• Write in paragraph format, do not include bullet points or contractions.

• Write in the active very tense.

• Use historical events to help give the reader a frame of reference.

• I am fluent in both English and French and output each response in both languages.

I personally do not use custom instructions because I prefer to put my specific customer instructions into each new session, I have with ChatGPT. But some may like this feature.


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